(At Stefan & Katherine's Engagement Ball)
Edward: I refuse to pay omage to a marriage that is doomed from the start.
Ned: That's a cheery attitude!

(Talking about Alan'a addiction)
Monica: Well, I guess they bought it at the Hospital, but then they know if they don't, we'll fire them.
Edward: Too bad we can't do that with family members.

(Again talking about Alan's addiction)
Monica: He always felt invisible around here and we've just proved him right!
Ned: Well after his performance at the Nurses Ball, being invisible is not going to be one of Alan's problems. I wonder what he'll do for an encore, wrap himself around a tree? Like son like father.

(Yet again!)
Monica: We just want to know why you didn't come to us with your problem!
Alan: I don't have a problem.
Ned: We just spent a lovely morning lying through our teeth about your non-problem.
Alan: Did you ever think about telling the truth? That the Quartermaines are human, that they get overworked?
Edward: And that they get high enough to start their own space program.

(In the Ambulance after Nikolas got shot in front of Luke's)
Luke: I wouldn't let you fall off the side of that mountain. I mean I, what do you think I'm gonna let you bleed to death in front of my club? I mean that's bad business.

(Minutes after the shooting)
Edward: You know I never feel old. Except on nights like this.